Archive for June, 2014

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Another book update!

by Warren

I’ve been plowing through more books of late, scattered across various genres. I’ve made a point of not only bathing in scifi but dipping into different genres that up until now I haven’t tried. My method is simple: when an author of note is mentioned offhand in a podcast as someone worth checking out, I make a point of seeking out a sample of their work. This month, the author in question is Raymond Chandler, and the book is “The Big Sleep.”


Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Head Cases – Episode 2!

by Warren

Wrote a new chapter for Head Cases, my Doctor Who/Star Wars crossover fanfic (aka hijinks-filled megatrolling)! You can read Episode 2 here, or start from the beginning here
