May 13, 2005

I have new hope for the young....

based on the fact that I saw a young man sitting on Davie Street today, nose buried in a copy of Watchmen. I stopped, informed him he was reading the best comic book ever written, and went on my merry way. :)

5 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On May 14, 2005 7:37 AM, Lester said:

... leaving the young man to think "Man, Vancouver's full of crazy street people!" :)

Don't know if you've been keeping an eye on the Watchmen movie project, but the reviews of David Hayter's early script draft have been positive, and AICN's Moriarty wrote a positive pre-production report. It still would've been cooler if it were going to be a mini-series, but I'm cautiously hopeful for the movie.


On May 14, 2005 9:08 AM, nordic fury said:

If the movie adaptation doesn't include the pirate comic subplot I'll be pissed.

Also, it turns out Rorshach wasn't meant to be seen as the protagonist? The world's gone mad...


On May 14, 2005 12:08 PM, Warren Frey said:

I dunno...I think it may suck. THough I'm positive the "V for Vendetta" movie will blow ass. Hollywood won't be able to resist the temptation to take V's mask off, which will ruin the movie. Plus having a terrorist (who basically tortures his student) as the protagonist ain't gonna go over too well in post-9/11 America.


On May 14, 2005 1:05 PM, Steve McQueen said:

They're making a V for Vendetta movie? How are they going to pull off a story that basically proves that you can kill the terrorists, but you can never stop terrorism, as the ideaology, not the people, are what keep it alive?

I can't see that theme going over too well in post-911 England either, especially if they released it on Guy Fawkes Day. They'd totally change the ending to be happy or something...


On May 15, 2005 12:03 AM, nordic fury said:

needs more pirates

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