August 23, 2006

Radio Free Skaro episode 2 is up!

Yes, we managed to put up another episode of the podcast. Get it off the feed, or listen to it on the webpage.

3 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On August 24, 2006 6:05 PM, jabberwocky said:

Well I must say that Warren you sound great, but steve sounds like crap maybe you should get him a headset, or better still how about up the budget again and have Steve fly out to Vancouver.
Christmas Invation is a Slimy piece of worm-ridden filth.
As for a plan I don't think that RTD is capable of Planning anything. I have so far hated every episode that he has written.


On August 25, 2006 8:41 AM, Warren Frey said:

See, the problem (if there is a problem) is that we have to by necessity use VOIP, either Skype or Gizmo. Gizmo allows me to record our conversation right in the program, and then just plunk it into Garageband. Any other podcast with VOIP (TWIT, The Instance, Inside the Net to name but three) are going to have dropouts and the like due to net connections.

As for Xmas Invasion, I liked it. And why the RTD hate? The man brought Who back in high style. Plus he's the guy behind the full-season story arcs, which rock.


On August 25, 2006 5:43 PM, jabberwocky said:

Don't get me wrong I think as an executive producer he had done a great job of bring back the show, but there isn't anyone there that will tell him that stinks we shouldn't do it. For the stuff that he has written I feel that most of it came about with him having this little idea that you see say in one scene of an episode and that he throws stuff around it trying to come up with a story for it.
I do have to give him Hi Praise for is dialog between the characters, that has been gold on the show.

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