September 9, 2006

Radio Free Skaro #4 delayed

Well, everything was going swimmingly with Radio Free Skaro #4...until it turned out the second audio file was wrecked. So we can either release it as is at 15 minutes with only the first section...or we can try to get together on Gizmo and do the second half again. What say you, assembled Whovians? And you, I Am Steven?

5 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On September 9, 2006 1:01 PM, I am Steven said:

Wrecked? But the second half of that show was, far and away, the greatest thing ever (almost) put onto tape (or comparable digital medium). It will be tough to top, but I could wax a bit more about the Cybermen quite easily, I reckon.


On September 9, 2006 1:02 PM, Warren Frey said:

Yes, it is indeed a tragedy. When's the next time you're available to jaw about cyberfolk?


On September 9, 2006 4:14 PM, I am Steven. said:

Monday night, perhaps? I'll probably get my Inferno/Web Planet DVDs that day, but I can easily make time for the cast.


On September 10, 2006 3:16 AM, Chris Burgess said:

Ah, yes, Inferno. My discs came this past Tuesday and I made sure to watch Inferno straight away (I'm not sure when I'd be able to stomach Web Planet). The interviews on disc 2 of Inferno about UNIT gave me neat flashbacks to the 1988 DW con here in Edmonton as John Levene is heavily interviewed in that.


On September 10, 2006 12:41 PM, Warren Frey said:

Right then, Monday it is! Should we take extra time and do the next one at the same time, to make up for the delay?

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