January 16, 2007

Diamond Age miniseries Clooney FTW!

In what can only be called an explosion of coolness, Neal Stephenson's "The Diamond Age" is going to be made into a mini-series by the Sci-Fi network, with George Clooney acting as executive producer. Previous mini-series from Sci-fi include Dune, Children of Dune and a little number called Battlestar Galactica, so they've got a pretty good track record.

I'm pretty excited, since Diamond Age is my favorite Stephenson book. It's not as crazy as Snow Crash or as comprehensive as the Baroque Cycle, but for my money it's one of the coolest future worlds and best thought-out stories about the effects of nanotechnology on society and culture. W00t!

1 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On January 18, 2007 7:44 AM, John B said:

Wow a story about a Post CyberPunk Pharmacy Technician? Hmmm seems like the post zone is turning into Spamalot

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