July 10, 2007

High wireless data rates keeping the iPhone out of Canada?

You bet your ass they are. The National Post breaks down how Rogers, the Canadian wireless service most likely to carry the iPhone, gouges the living hell out of their customers with outrageous data rates. Not that the other carriers are any better.

3 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On July 13, 2007 4:01 PM, jabberwocky said:

I have to disagree with you on that one Steve, the rates wont come down because they will be gouging us out of our money to pay the updates that they will have to do to their networks.


On July 13, 2007 4:01 PM, jabberwocky said:

I have to disagree with you on that one Steve, the rates wont come down because they will be gouging us out of our money to pay the updates that they will have to do to their networks.


On July 13, 2007 11:36 PM, Chris Burgess said:

The answer is simple. Vote with your dollars and don't give money to any of the greedy cellular carriers. I've been 6 months without a cell phone and I've nearly never missed it, and very glad I stopped feeding Telus more money for crappy service and gouging contracts and terms of service.

Bottom line, iPhone or no iPhone, consumers always have the choice of not buying the item even if they don't have the choice of carrier.

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