July 23, 2007

Radio Free Skaro #43 - Smith and Jones jaunty commentary

With no new Who on the horizon for a good long while, we've decided to integrate our regular podcastian ramblings with some rather jaunty (and as usual, rabidly off-topic) commentary to go with each episode from Series 3, starting with this one, recorded during a viewing of "Smith and Jones." Now you can watch Doctor Who with our deep and meaningful musings about the goings-on on the same time! What an age we live in. Next up, jet packs and robot butlers. (feed, web, direct download)

8 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On July 24, 2007 2:34 AM, Chris Burgess said:

Ah, but did my hackles ever bristle!

S&J is still the best RTD script, save Utopia, for the series... I dug it from day one and still don't mind it.

The only constructive criticism I can offer on the commentary itself would be that the commentating got a little off track a lot of times... however given you can only say so much about what's going on at a given moment, that's not an entirely bad thing. Nevertheless a little more focus might be a good thing.

Oh, and as far as Warren's remark of me being "a rock of sobriety in [your] drunken love for the show", well, Warren didn't see my complete lack of sobriety at either of the series 3 parties. =)

But yes, although you guys enjoy the whimsy far more than I, it's not like I completely hate it... there are times when it's all good. John Simm's OTT Master for instance I thought was brilliant and fun and I enjoyed it.


On July 24, 2007 12:58 PM, Jean-Paul Samson said:

Yes, Chris forced a full bottle of wine down me before running the series three finale. I honestly don't remember much of it. That said, weighted by body mass, Chris drank even more than I did.


On July 24, 2007 5:35 PM, I am Steven said:

Did Chris drink like 20 giants, and then had to be pushed into the fountain to sober him up?


On July 24, 2007 5:41 PM, Chris Burgess said:

Well, I did regret the Taco Bell the night of the finale party, I can say that much.

Besides, given Jean-Paul's ranking of the finale episodes, I feel justified in convincing him he needed to drink heavily that day.


On July 24, 2007 5:50 PM, Jean-Paul Samson said:

Yeah, after polishing off two bottles of red wine and a pile of refried bean burritos, I think we all were regretting your Taco Bell feast, Chris. ;-)

But yes, it probably was a good idea to not be sober watching "Last of the Time Lords". I seem to recall a guy on an aircraft carrier flying through the clouds, dancing around to Scissor Sisters, and wheeling about an aged Doctor in a wheelchair. Too much alcohol does funny things to your mind, eh? That couldn't possibly be from an actual Doctor Who episode.


On July 24, 2007 5:59 PM, Jean-Paul Samson said:

Seems that my memory is playing tricks. Chris insists he drank 2 1/2 bottles of wine. The pile of refried bean burritos stands, however. :-p


On July 30, 2007 3:39 AM, jabberwocky said:

There is a reason that I went with Wendy's I unfortunately could not be drunk for the last three episodes.

Has anyone been watching the episodes online on the cbc doctor who website?


On July 30, 2007 1:02 PM, Chris Burgess said:

Aww, John Normington (Trau Morgus from Androzani) died...

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