Monday, October 13th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #104 – Obam-ha!


With Chris still wandering around London without anything more than a 3G iPhone, it was up to Warren and Steven to again take the helm and offer the latest morsels of news about all things Who and bloviate on the Poison Sky, the second part of the Sontaran’s return to form. Though precious little was actually aid about the episode at hand, Warren did manage to transfigure the Sontaran war cry into OBAM-HA! surely a new rallying cry for these final days of the American election campaign.

Warren Frey is a journalist, freelance writer, podcaster, video producer, and all-around media consultant currently based in Vancouver, Canada. His written work has appeared in such publications as Metro Vancouver, the Westender, Mac | Life and the Japan Times.

2 Responses to “ Radio Free Skaro #104 – Obam-ha! ”

jabberwocky says:

No Chris doesn’t listen to the show, after having watch the episodes for each commentary he can’t bring himself to listen to the show.

I don’t know I think that the recapping of the previous episodes work good for having missed it.

I would like to know how the doctor was able to notice the tell tail taste of Teleport being used. with all that gas around?

Bernard Cribbins played a cop that stumbled into the tardis chasing after a couple of bank robbers.

Martha looks like a Zombie in that gas mask.

We should get a tshirt that says “Clone Feed!”, or how about one that says “Back of the Head!”

chris burgess says:

I always listen to the show, especially when I’m unable to take part in it. And yes I hope to be back for the next one though we’ll see what Virgin Broadband has to say about getting me hooked up in time.

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