Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

The Platformer Podcast! – episode 32


Apple is unveiling…something on March 7th, and that something is likely a new iPad. Rumours abound of retina displays and increased horsepower, along with slightly less reliable rumours of a new Apple TV.

On the flip side, Eric Schmidt has a vision of the future that’s all at once dull, elitist, and somewhat ignorant. But all is not lost, as Photoshop Touch has landed in the App Store and Chip has decreed it Good.

But wait, there’s more! We also have an interview with Kirby Ferguson, the man behind Everything is a Remix. If you haven’t seen these excellent treatise on the Internet, creativity and copyright, you’re sorely missing out, and Kirby was a great interview subject, an erudite and talented fellow with something to say. Check it out, and thanks for listening!

Apple event on March 7th!

The future according to Eric Schmidt

Photoshop Touch on the iPad

Dell no longer makes PCs

Everything is a Remix

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