January 18, 2005

HAL 9000 reduced to picking the top of the pops

Apparently the record industry is using artificial intelligence to help pick what songs will be hits. This is one of those things we always suspected, but now we've got proof. Not that I really care; I haven't listened to top 40 radio in years. The closest I get to hearing the new mainstream stuff is a curious click on the iTunes music store. And that's why ITMS doesn't have more of my money. :)

3 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On January 18, 2005 7:40 AM, Warren Frey said:

Now, if we're lucky, this AI wil go crazy like HAL, and start knocking off record executives.

And by "crazy," I mean "perfectly justified." :)


On January 18, 2005 7:44 AM, cam c. said:

I can't imagine how this could possibly be a good thing... music is an innate human instinct, and if the trends regarding tastes of music lovers (a term which I'll generously extend to even Britney Spears fans) can be predicted accurately by a machine, then we're probably already living inside The Matrix. :)


On January 18, 2005 7:56 AM, Warren Frey said:

Well, better the Matrix than Zion. Am I the only one that thought Zion, despite the hot raving black chicks in very little clothing, was a bit of a shithole? :)

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