April 24, 2005

TV makes you smarter!?!

Apparently so, according to the NYT.

2 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On April 25, 2005 12:40 AM, cam c. said:

I can't argue with the mass of charts and studies this guy came up with... I think it all boils down to what kind of TV you watch though... certainly 24, ER, and the Simpsons will have a better chance of making you smarter than American Idol (which I actually find entertaining to watch at the auditions stage) or any of the contrived "reality" shows might. (Although a few of the better reality shows, such as "The Apprentice", probably have their intellectual benefits as well...)


On April 25, 2005 9:25 AM, Warren Frey said:

Well, if the current crop of candidates on "The Apprentice" are any indication, intelligence wasn't high on the list of desirable attributes to actually GET ON the show. But yeah, the thing about TV, at least network TV, is that it doesn't have to appeal to both the highbrow (Hill St. Blues) and the super low brow (Dukes of Hazzard) audience anymore, so it aims straight for the middle. And MTV and the like have made it easier for a generation of idiots to follow things going very fast.

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