August 6, 2005

Garrison Keillor on the future of radio

Keillor hosts "A Prairie Home Companion," which to be honest was always kind of a pain to listen to after a solid week of great NPR programming. PHC is a folksy raconteur-and-tunes show that really isn't my cup of tea, though it's enormously popular and an argument could be made that it's kept NPR going for years. By the way, when I was in Osoyoos (a mere 5 km from the U.S. border), I found CBC was great for weekend listening, other than the execrable DNTO, but NPR had the CBC beat hands down during the week.

But I digress. Keillor talks about how Clear Channel's formulaic approach to radio won't last, and how the iPod and satellite radio will take the air out of the tires of ranty AM blowhards.

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