September 12, 2006

Finally, Han shoots first (again)

And by that, I mean the Star Wars trilogy DVDs have been released in their original, untouched, non-pointless-effects-laden glory. Han shooting first! The original end music for Jedi! "Bring my shuttle!" Picked up my set at midnight last night and I'm looking forward to some 1977-style nerding tonight.

4 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On September 12, 2006 7:31 AM, Steven said:

"Bring my Shuttle" was my "Han shoots first" moment of the special editions. That was one of my fav moments in Empire and when they added that shitty new dubbed in line I was pissed.


On September 12, 2006 8:36 AM, Warren Frey said:

Absolutely, mine too. I was so looking forward to seeing that again on the big screen...and then Darth rambles on about getting his shuttle and taking it here, then there, then let's stop for ice cream, no wait, the sandwiches over there are good....arrgh! And the endless intercutting between Luke on the antenna and the shuttle sauntering in a leisurely fashion towards the Star Destroyer...totally destroyed the pacing of those last moments. PLus, Lucas is an editor. He of all people should know that if Darth says "bring my shuttle" and then a minute later he's on the bridge of the Star Destroyer...the audience is going to fill in the blanks on its own.


On September 12, 2006 10:30 AM, Steven said:

Lucas "was" an editor, when you don't keep up your skills for a couple decades you tend to get a little rusty.


On September 13, 2006 12:52 AM, JonnyVancouver said:

Dude, I watched the first fifteen minutes of star wars on both discs last night and then went on to the death star battle scenes on both discs. Why is it that multi millionares always forget what it's like to be fans and decide to "make it better" once they make their "fat nuts" on the movies? Thank god lucas had the common sense to go back and "unfix" his mistakes.

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