December 28, 2006

Rado Free Skaro #16

The drought is over, with not only a new episode of Torchwood but the long-awaited Dr. Who Christmas special gracing the screens of Britain and the computer monitors of the Internet. We also discuss upcoming shows like the Torchwood finale and the premiere of the Sarah Jane Adventures (in a few short days!), speculate on the preview of the upcoming season shown at the end of the Runaway Bride, and veer off into completely off-topic nonsense, as per usual. (feed, web, direct download)

4 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On December 31, 2006 1:45 PM, Jabberwocky said:

Well when it comes to Torchwood, I can say that I'm getting bored with it really quick and I will more then likely not bother watching it next season.
As for the Christmas Special I didn't find it all that special unless we're talking Special as in your riding on the Short bus. I really don't think that RTD had a single idea that he wanted to follow for the story. It looks like he comes up with a few ideas that sound great but they don't have any real connection to each other at the time. What RTD does best is write dialog.


On January 1, 2007 1:47 PM, Warren Frey said:

I think RTD can crank out a decent episode when he puts his mind to it, Doomsday being a good example. I agree about the dialogue...but I do think he overuses the sonic screwdriver and lets the deus ex machina solve problems a few too many times (the Doctor finding the TARDIS by chance at the right moment in "The Impossible Planet" being a good example, marring an otherwise stupendous episode.) But one thing RTD excels at is striking just the right balance between respect for the old series, and creating a new mythology. He gets the wonder of the old show down too, and if you need a big emotional moment, he can't be beat.


On January 2, 2007 1:20 PM, John B Evil said:

oddly from a number of the behind the scene's shows RTD acts a bit like a smug bastard. then only a smug bastard would reuse CGI stoke fotage of the lesbian sex alien who got into hoshi's panties as part of the first episode of Sarah Jane Adventures. Not sure how many of these I could watch over time but as Warren put it, they are just filler till Season 3 starts in full swing in 4 months. Still have as yet too watch the last 2 eps of torchwood which I plan to do once I get home tonight.


On January 2, 2007 10:37 PM, Jabberwocky said:

Yeah thats something that has been bugging me so much RTD says that he wants to bring back the Sconic Screwdrive as long as it doesn't save the day, but gee its been used to do that just about ever episode. He has the Sonic Screwdrive doing things it was never used for.

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