January 10, 2007

Radio Free Skaro #18 - as retro as it gets

With sod all on the horizon in the way of new Who (or spinoffs) for the next couple of months, Steven and I have decided to cast our jaundiced eyes way back to the distant past, and we're examining one of the Doctor's eras each week. To start with we naturally picked the first Doctor, William Hartnell, and we managed to squeeze (amazingly) 45 minutes of discussion out of his pioneering tenure in the role. The usual meanderings, including a tale of drunken quote-yelling debauchery, round out the podcast. (feed, web, direct download)

10 comment(s) so far (Post your own)


On January 11, 2007 2:08 AM, Chris Burgess said:

I loved the mention of Yads in there... he's such an infuriating person at times, yet his humour value is sky high at the same time. I remember engaging him in debates well outside the realm of DW back in the university days, sitting in CAB or somewhere "discussing" politics (he's a staunch Liberal, I'm at the other end of the spectrum).

And yes, he's still around in r.a.dw last I saw, still mad as a hatter. As for whether or not he listens to the podcast, while it's entirely possible I have doubts about it as he's quite anti-piracy (despite his wanting missing episodes back in the 10-0 VHS-trading days), and as such he'll not have seen the last 3 episodes of series 2 (yet), nor Runaway Bride, let alone Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures.


On January 11, 2007 2:13 AM, Chris Burgess said:

Oh, and one thing of note (surprisingly not mentioned) about The Gunfighters is that it was the last story to have individual episode names... I'm not sure if that's a positive or not, but we're so used to just "Part 1" "Part 2" and so on that it sometimes seems weird to watch Hartnell-era stories and see each episode have its own name.


On January 11, 2007 9:07 AM, Warren Frey said:

Thanks for your thoughts, paydayloans!

But seriously, yeah, I'm surprised it took me this long to mention Yads. I'm not sure if he's still a certifiable loonie, as I haven;t looked at rec.arts.drwho in years. But I do remember he also had some crazy views on the monarchy as well.

As for piracy, I guess we do pilfer the opening music, though standard fare for fan podcasts seems to be the "don't ask, don't tell" policy pioneered by George Lucas and company. We aren't making any money with this thing and don't really intend to, so I don't see the harm in using the theme song from the show we'll be discussing. And we do pimp out the torrents on a regular basis, it isn't like we won't buy the box sets when they come out. Dr. Who, anyway, I'm not so sure I'll grab Torchwood.

Anyway, I look forward to Yads (that's Dave Yadallee, Google) egosearching himself and coming on here to spout his endearing brand of crazy soon. :)


On January 11, 2007 1:27 PM, I Am Steven said:

Halfway through The Web Planet now....what the hell is going on?


On January 11, 2007 3:28 PM, Chris Burgess said:

Steven, did you remember to lift the special flap inside the DVD case and take the hidden hit of acid before watching Web Planet? That's the reason Amazon charges so much for the DVD ya know... the drugs required to sit through that story.


On January 11, 2007 3:35 PM, I Am Steven said:

Yes and no. I found the acid...but I mistakenly took it while watching "Love & Monsters". I was so spaced out, I don't think I ever once saw the Doctor in it! Was it even the same show?


On January 11, 2007 5:01 PM, jabberwocky said:

Oh you are probably right Warren, So how Yads finds out about these things no matter how much a person tries to keep these things hidden fom him. its like a shark smelling blood from miles away.


On January 11, 2007 7:24 PM, Chris Burgess said: is, at least for now, the top hit in Google. Only a few typos, but seemingly a couple years old. He doesn't maintain the page, apparently.

His blog at appears to be active, though it's mostly posts about how his ISP is ranking.

There are apparently the "Adric Awards" for rec.arts.drwho at and Dave appears to have an award named after him for cluelessness. What's funnier is that he's been a winner of that award.

He's the butt of a joke at (and it's kinda funny).

And here's what seems to be an active blog, too:


On January 12, 2007 8:53 AM, John B Evil said:

Yes but you all didn't have the terror of going too High School with Yads, fuck at least you could hear him coming as he would drag his shoes and never tie up the laces so you could hear the shuffle and tinkling sounds early enough to escape. Luckily I was on my last year at McNally but then later found the Dr Who club around NAIT and then heard the evil shoe slinking in the halls again. That plus the truly fake english accent that he didn't have during high school then it just appeared later on.


On January 12, 2007 5:34 PM, Chris Burgess said:

omgwtf how is it I've never seen this before tonight?!

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