Thursday, July 29th, 2010

iPhone 4 in Canada: get ready to bend over


Update: Rogers is shockingly offering the $30 for 6gig deal again, along with a $20 offer to share that data with your iPad. So I guess I was wrong. BUt enjoy the invective below regardless. Plus they could have told us this a few weeks ago.


The iPhone 4 is set to drop in Canada tomorrow, and we still don’t know how much the plans will cost, what data plans will be included or if the Big Four wireless vendors have any other tricks up their sleeve. Don’t count on being pleasantly surprised.



?After all, these are the same companies that blithely announced ridiculous data plans a month before the Canadian iPhone 3G introduction, and then were soundly spanked by the blogerati and Twitter folk. They won’t repeat that PR disaster; instead they’ll wait until the last minute and then drop a crappy plan on early adopters who won’t be able to resist the phone’s siren call.

And if you’re looking to save money on a discount service, forget it. Wind doesn’t work with the iPhone 4, so even if you buy the phone unlocked you won’t be able to dictate terms. And if you think Rogers will give you a reasonable deal, think again. This is a company that responded to Netflix coming to Canada by cutting their download caps, rather than attempting to compete.

Here’s some helpful info on the iPhone 4 courtesy of I won’t be buying the iPhone 4 tomorrow, as I’m waiting until we move to Tokyo next month and then picking up a unit via Softbank. But I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks of their new toy.


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