Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

Noam Chomsy debunks 9/11 conspiracy theories


I’m a firm believer that the fanciful tales of drones and controlled demolitions spun by 9/11 “Truthers” (worst….name….ever!) are utter nonsense. It’s nice to see Noam Chomsy, a voice of reason from the Left, express his disdain for such theories and point out how utterly illogical they are. Check out parts one and two of his thoughts below.

Warren Frey is a journalist, freelance writer, podcaster, video producer, and all-around media consultant currently based in Vancouver, Canada. His written work has appeared in such publications as Metro Vancouver, the Westender, Mac | Life and the Japan Times.

One Response to “ Noam Chomsy debunks 9/11 conspiracy theories ”

Killahmullet says:

I could only think of one thing while viewing this video: being one of the high priests of the Left looks pretty dull. Hanging out in badly decorated rooms with smelly, hairy guys just isn’t my cup of tea. I’m not saying Chomsky doesn’t have some good things to say, I just think he needs to focus on delivering his message to a wider, more general audience. The guys he’s hanging out with right now, just aren’t the people who are going to change the world.

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