Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 008 – Geeks After Dark

by Warren

It’s nerdlesque insanity at Video Free Skaro this week, with a peek at Geeks After Dark, the raucous monthly event featuring nerds, booze, burlesque and costumes. This month’s theme was Star Wars, with many a sexy Ewok and Hawaiian shirt clad Boba Fett in attendance.

We interviewed Fairlith Harvey, the organizer of Geeks After Dark, as well as her co-conspirator Cam Russell.

But that’s not all, we’ve also got news from Comic-Con! Truly, it is a great time to be a nerd.

If you like the shirt Warren is wearing, go to damask.ca, and if you’d like to check out Geeks After Dark yourself, head to their Facebook page..
