Monday, October 3rd, 2011

VCON web series panel

by Warren

I spent my Sunday talking to web series creators attending VCON, Vancouver’s renowned scifi convention. The convention is 36 years old, but like most sci fi types they’re always excited about new ideas like web series, especially since this new medium gives creators a chance to make science fiction and fantasy stories for a new and quite devoted audience. I recorded the panel, which I’ve included in this post, and I also interviewed a few creators on camera, so expect to see some segments going up over the next couple of weeks.

I’m also using this as a sort of testing ground for a new web show idea I’ve been kicking around. I’d like to experiment and come up with my own show dealing with movies, web series, tech, gadgets and other nerdy stuff, so I’ll probably be putting up lots of different bits and pieces before the show coalesces into its final form.

For now, enjoy the panel, and let me know if you want to hear and see more about web series, local and otherwise.

And if you’re interested in the shows that participated on the panel, check out:

Standard Action
Border Guardians of Akernon
Mind My Brains, Darling
