Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 008 – Geeks After Dark

by Warren

It’s nerdlesque insanity at Video Free Skaro this week, with a peek at Geeks After Dark, the raucous monthly event featuring nerds, booze, burlesque and costumes. This month’s theme was Star Wars, with many a sexy Ewok and Hawaiian shirt clad Boba Fett in attendance.

We interviewed Fairlith Harvey, the organizer of Geeks After Dark, as well as her co-conspirator Cam Russell.

But that’s not all, we’ve also got news from Comic-Con! Truly, it is a great time to be a nerd.

If you like the shirt Warren is wearing, go to damask.ca, and if you’d like to check out Geeks After Dark yourself, head to their Facebook page..

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 007 – A Roll of the Dice

by Warren

In this exciting episode of Video Free Skaro, Warren talks to Joanna Gaskell, creator, writer and star of Standard Action, a web series shot in Vancouver but set in a Dungeons and Dragons world of high adventure and hilarity. We also welcome another special guest to Tom Baker Tonight, and Tom is once again in fine form. All this and the latest Who news!

If you like the shirt Warren is wearing, head to http://www.damask.ca for all your Whovian sartorial needs!
