Monday, August 29th, 2011

Escape from City 17 Part 2: more Valve fan film madness!

by Warren

Following up on my previous Portal posts, here’s Escape from City 17 part 2, a Half Life which boasts a city in ruins, striders, zombies, headcrabs and more. THe creators of this film claim they spent less than $1,000, which sounds doubtful given what’s on screen.

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Portal fan films for all!

by Warren

Portal is a fantastic series of games, and it’s built up such an interesting world that several fan films have sprung up to expand upon its themes of imprisonment, quantum physics and puzzle solving.

Dan Trachtenberg of Totally Rad Show fame has upped the bar with his Portal fan film, entitled “The Escape,” which you can see below:

Others have also put together Portal fan films. My favorite is this one, which eschews action for something a little more moody and introspective:

I’m sure there are more fine fan films out there, but these, in my opinion, are the true standouts.
