Archive for June, 2008

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Angry, shirtless ranting about the iPhone

by Warren

Loren Feldman of 1938 Media has built a career out of bitching out technology companies and Web 2.0 folk with a trademark blend of righteous fury, sarcasm, and shirtlessness. Not a bad gig if you can get it. At any rate, his latest screed not only manages to mock Steve Jobs but also rip into Robert Scoble‘s videomaking abilities (or lack thereof) and it’s pretty damned funny. View it below.

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

The WWDC keynote in 60 seconds…

by Warren

Thanks to Mahalo Daily and….

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Another Mac | Life article is up….

by Warren

…this one about “revirginizing” your iPhone. Which many people, including myself, may be doing soon in order to run the saucy goodness that is the iPhone 2.0 firmware, rolled out today at the World Wide Developers COnference as part of the hoopla surrounding the 3G iPhone.

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Canada FINALLY gets the iPhone (for realz, yo)

by Warren

Yes, pigs are currently cruising through a very, very cold Hades, because Apple is finally releasing the iPhone in Canada, and not only that, it’s the new, improved, 3G iPhone. Due July 11th at Apple Stores, Rogers and Fido outlets, and presumably online. Of course, the potential fly in the ointment of all this mobile love is the big question of what precisely Rogers will charge for an iPhone-centric data plan. I’d like to think the larger opportunity of a game-changing product like the iPhone would jar Rogers to their senses and force them into an unlimited plan for $50 or less…but I’m not holding my breath.

Apple also rolled out Mobile Me, a revamp of the moribund .Mac service which prove to be quite useful (because .Mac certainly wasn’t), and the much awaited App Store, which promises to bring much the same creativity and device-extending goodness as the….uh, jailbreak community has for the last year.

Will I get a new 3G iPhone? it all depends on what Rogers does in terms of a data plan. There’s no point in having always-on connectivity if within a month I’m broke. But if they come to their senses and offer a reasonable rate, I’m most likely in.

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #86 – Forest of the Dud?

by Warren

Dissent in the ranks this week, as the Third Guy forsakes a life of marital bliss with Who scribe Stephen Moffat and rips “Forest of the Dead” a new one. Steven and Warren, on the other hand, were charmed and entertained by the concluding episode of the two-parter that began with last week’s “Silence in the Library,” and thus did vigorous debate and pointless digression occur for about an hour and change.

Friday, June 6th, 2008

The new, new city

by Warren

The New York Times Magazine has an interesting article about how the 20th century model for cities is pretty much played out, and how the urban centres of the future will have more in common with Shenzen or Dubai than wit mainstays like New York, London or Tokyo. Apparently apart from being playgrounds for the rich, these new cities are also where experimentation in new forms of urban living is at its strongest. Living in Vancouver, a city that pioneered mixed use, densification and sustainability practices, I can’t say any of this is particularly new to me, though it is an interesting read.

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

More Trek hijinx….

by Warren

Cartoon hilarity as William Shatner belts out “Common People.” Heh.

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

War on Terror won? Not so fast…

by Warren

CIA director Michael Hayden recently announced that Al Queda is on the ropes, a spent force, and that the group has failed to gain traction in Iraq. Well, not so fast. A recent editorial in the Guardian points out that mass uprisings may not be what Bin Laden has in mind when he calls for jihadist revolution, and more importantly, terrorists don’t even need mass support to achieve their goals. All they need is the loyalty of a hard-core group of supporters, and they can continue their operations indefinitely. Will the leaders of those die-hards be Al Queda? Maybe not, as recent intelligence has indicated some disillusionment with Bin Laden and Zawahiri. At any rate, the last time the United States took their eye off the ball, they ended up suffering the most devastating attack in the US history, invading Afghanistan and Iraq, and basically ruining their standing in the world. For their own sake, a little more vigilance and a lot less swagger might be a good idea.

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #85 – Triumph of the Library

by Warren

Silence in the Library marks not only the return of Doctor Who to TV screens after a week’s absence but also easily the best episode of the season thus far. The Three who Rule waxed lyrical on the many excellent aspects of this Moffat-penned tome, speculated madly on the mysteries and plot twists sure to be answered next week, and of course digressed and went on mind-melting tangents as per usual.
