Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 011 – Let’s Cosplay Why Not!

by Warren

This week Video Free Skaro visits Cos and Effect, Vancouver’s big cosplay convention where you’re likely to run into Batman, Link, Ringo Starr and trolls from Homestuck, often all at once. Warren interviews Heather Wilkinson, one of the organizers of Cos and Effect, and she gives him the lowdown on what cosplay is all about and how those interested can join in the fun.

All this and the (somewhat late) news! On Video! Free! Skaro!

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Video Free Skaro 009 – Dalekphonic Workshop

by Warren

On this edition of Video Free Skaro, we talk to Tom Pickles, who has not only built a full-size functional Dalek but also a TARDIS, a Weeping Angel, K-9 and more! You may have seen his handiwork in Blue Meanie and Skaromantic Comedy…now meet the man behind the monsters.

Please leave us a comment, subscribe, and if you like the t-shirts Warren wears on the show, head to for all your Whovian sartorial needs!

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 007 – A Roll of the Dice

by Warren

In this exciting episode of Video Free Skaro, Warren talks to Joanna Gaskell, creator, writer and star of Standard Action, a web series shot in Vancouver but set in a Dungeons and Dragons world of high adventure and hilarity. We also welcome another special guest to Tom Baker Tonight, and Tom is once again in fine form. All this and the latest Who news!

If you like the shirt Warren is wearing, head to for all your Whovian sartorial needs!

Monday, May 7th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 004

by Warren

On this episode of Video Free Skaro, not only do we have an interview with noted Doctor Who and Y the Last Man artist Pia Guerra, not only do we have a profile of the Myrka, the most despised villain in all Whodom, but we also have action figures making out. Yep, you read that right.

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 003

by Warren

In this episode of Video Free Skaro, we visit Fan Expo Vancouver and interview Jeremy Bulloch, aka Hal the Archer and Tor from the Space Museum….and he may also have played the part of Boba Fett. We also profile the Borad, one of Doctor Who’s crappiest villains, and give you the latest happenings in the world of Doctor Who.

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 002

by Warren

On this episode of Video Free Skaro, we cover the latest news in the world of Doctor Who, share some of our exclusive interview with Louise Jameson, also known as the savage Leela, and review Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, the MMORPG set in the Whoniverse.

Please share any comments or suggestions you have for future shows, and subscribe to our Youtube channel!

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Andrew Marr doesn’t like bloggers

by Warren

Andrew Marr, host of the excellent Start the Week and former political editor for the BBC doesn’t like bloggers. While I see his point about abusive, nonsensical and and angry commenters, his outright dismissal of new media as a legitimate medium is laughable at best.

More to the point, it’s the typical elitist broadcasting reaction to a democratized media world. The playing field, while still imperfect, is much more level than ever before, and traditional broadcasters do not like the fact that they now face competition from all corners. Some of that competition is indeed “pimply, aggressive and single” but that’s always been true. The larger point is that the self-appointed position of cultural curator has been snatched from the hands of broadcasters and put into the hands of the people. It might not be pretty, but it’s reality, and no amount of bitching from upper-class talking heads will change that.

Having worked in broadcasting myself, I completely welcome this change. Broadcasting has its role and will continue to provide a valuable service, but it’s long past time we were able to create our own content, express our own opinions, and transmit our own shows. The expansion of mobile into every corner of our lives will only accelerate the process. And if Andrew Marr doesn’t like it, tough.

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #113 – Vectors of Digression

by Warren

For the first time in a long time, the Three Who Rule went sans commentary and digressed, postulated, and even went off topic (twice!) in the middle of a sentence. The hygiene of certain Sex in the City characters, Steve Coogan, Big Finish audios, and oh yes, the latest Doctor Who news headlines were hashed over, giggled at, and finally shunted aside as your gallant crew went completely off the rails. Hoo-ray!

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #111 – Swollen Mirth

by Warren

More thrilling commentary, this time for the “Stolen Earth,” clearly the best roller coaster ride of Series 4, if not of the entire run of the new series. It’s all downhill from here though, as “Journey’s End” is coming up next, and we all know how that turned out. Still, witticisms and nerdy banter ahead!
