Friday, April 20th, 2012

The Platformer Show! 003

by Warren

A new Platformer, and a new host! Chelsea Altice takes over from Warren to give us the news and generally make the show better. We also have an interview with Atimi software about their Vancouver Canucks app, which gives hockey fans constant updates, behind the scenes videos and access to interactions with fellow fans. And just so you have answers for your grandmother when she signs up for Instagram, we have a walkthrough of the basic features of the app. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Platformer! the video show – Episode 1

by Warren

Welcome to the first episode of Platformer, the show about the tech you use to work, play and create. Sprung from the loins of the Platformer audio podcast on, our new show aims to inform and entertain you with the latest tech news, reviews and interviews with amazing innovators.

In this episode we look at the new iPad and go to the White Day Hackathon at A Thinking Ape (

Sponsors for White Day Hackathon included A Thinking Ape, Silicon Sisters, EA, Microsoft, East Side Games, and the UBC Computer Science department.

You can check out a photo album from the event here.

Make sure to subscribe to Freyburg Media’s Youtube channel, like our videos, and follow us on Twitter at @freyburg_media.

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Ghosts With Shit Jobs: Jim Munroe’s new movie

by Warren

Jim Munroe is the multimedia genius behind No Media Kings, which started as a way for him to self-publish his work but has since morphed into a DIY mini-empire featuring comics, games, film and books.

A few years ago he and several collaborators made “Infest Wisely“, a lo-fi sci-fi film that they broke into chapters and filmed separately with a overarching story written by Munroe. You could watch it online in segments or as a feature.

Jump to several years later and Munroe and friends have created
Ghosts with Shit Jobs,” a near-future extrapolation of what happens when North America goes bankrupt and China outsources all the jobs they don’t want to us. It’s being done with the same low-fi ethos as Infest Wisely but with better equipment and a little more money ($4,000 this time as opposed to the $700 they spent on the previous film.)

I’m looking forward to seeing what Munroe hss in store with this latest film…it looks like they’ve upped their game visually while hewing to the same approach of ideas over pointless spectacle. Keep watching here and for further news on the film.

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

How not to handle China

by Warren

China’s rise to rival the United States as a world power has led some to assume the insular giant plays by the same rulebook as the Western World. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether its the fact that the country is run by committee or the general distrust the Chinese have for Western intentions, the time is soon at hand that the West will have to deal with China on China’s terms, according to this interesting editorial in the Guardian.
