Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

An Adventure in UK Space and Linear Time: Part II!

by Warren

(You can check out Part I here.)

When Steven, Erika and I discovered we had enough money from our Patreon supporters to head over to the UK, one of the first things on our agenda was to film a video to tie into the opening of our (then) upcoming live show at Gallifrey One. Steven spent a productive day at work cooking up the story, the inestimable Simon Harries volunteered to shoot and direct, and I steeled myself for some serious editing time once I’d returned to Canada. But first, the shooting!


Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Video Free Skaro 003

by Warren

In this episode of Video Free Skaro, we visit Fan Expo Vancouver and interview Jeremy Bulloch, aka Hal the Archer and Tor from the Space Museum….and he may also have played the part of Boba Fett. We also profile the Borad, one of Doctor Who’s crappiest villains, and give you the latest happenings in the world of Doctor Who.
