Monday, June 13th, 2011

The Fruitygamer Podcast! – Episode 34

by Warren

New iPhone in September? According to some telecom guy in the UAE, yes. According to us, no. Warren rescues his Boot Camp partition from BSOD hell, Todd makes a game, and Chip is victorious in getting publishers to charge us all more money. All in this week’s Fruitygamer!

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

The Fruitygamer Podcast! – episode 33

by Warren

WWDC and E3 on the same day means a ton of news about Lion, iOS5, the mysterious iCloud and plenty of semi-related but mostly just cool console news. LIsten as Warren, Todd and Chip wax eloquent about clouds, Kinect and a whole lot more!

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

FruityGamer: Behind the Scenes

by Warren

Precisely none of you may be wondering how we make FruityGamer here at Freyburg Media. Well, I’m here to tell you the thinking, process and methodology I used. My methods and tools may differ from what’s available to you, but you’ll at least get a general idea as to how to pull of your own video podcasts.

When myself and my business partner made “This is Yaletown” we did so thinking the internet would soon push up its production values to the levels of television, and that we’d better be ahead of the curve. But in fact this has not proven to be the case. People watch internet shows for many reasons, but slick production values (to a point) doesn’t seem to be a necessary part of the equation.

I figured that given my experience creating Radio Free Skaro there was no reason I couldn’t create similar podcasts on video and in audio form, and do so in such a way that they’re quick and easy to make.


Sunday, October 17th, 2010

The Fruitygamer Podcast! – Episode 10

by Warren

New Macbook Airs? OS X 10.7? John Sculley taps out? EA in Tokyo? Yes!

BTW, we planned to do this episode on video as well as audio, but technology conspired against us. Next week for (maybe) sure!

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

The Fruitygamer Podcast! – Episode 4

by Warren

Starcraft II! Episodic gaming! Boot Camp! Spider, Secret of Bryce Manor! All on Fruitygamer Episode 4!

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

The Fruitygamer Podcast! – Episode 2

by Warren

In this episode, Warren and Todd discuss So Long Oregon, Archetype and the state of iPhone shooters, Steam, Netflix coming to Canada and Microsoft’s continued tumble into the abyss. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

iPad reviews are in, verdict: awesome

by Warren

A torrent of iPad reviews have left the land of the embargo to emerge blinking in the light of day, and the verdict is that the iPad is indeed “revolutionary” and “magical.” The two best reviews I’ve seen are Xeni Jardin’s take on Boing Boing and Andy Inhatko’s live demo on Twit.TV (which I’m trying to track down as an embed and will post when it eventually shows up.)

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

My Mac | Life Charlie Miller interview

by Warren

Noted OS X security expert Charlie Miller was in Vancouver for CanSecWest, the annual computer security conference. He was good enough to give me his time for an interview for Mac | LIfe, seen below….

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

New Mac | Life article

by Warren

I have a new article on Mac | Life, this time about GPS on the iPhone and how it can be unreliable in a variety of circumstances.
