Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Platformer – episode 2

by Warren Frey

Lots and lots of Apple news and speculation, including the possibility of an iPad Pro, Zynga being Zynga, Free to Play taking names and kicking buttocks, and lots of banter about app stores and ecosystems. Plus we sorta kinda lament the move from tinkerer/geek toy to everyday device our good friend the computer has taken in the last few years.

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Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Apple getting into streaming video?

by Warren

All indications point to “maybe.” But The Beast from Cupertino recently purchased a huge data center, and the possibility of Apple moving into the streaming video space would be a perfect fit for not only their rumored tablet device but also for the TV in your living room. Everyone hates the cable companies, and if Apple could do an end run around them, they could repeat their successful reshaping of the music industry Throw in saving print through the tablet and the ability for anyone to broadcast from anywhere and you’ve got a media revolution. Maybe.
