Archive for September, 2004

Tuesday, September 14th, 2004

Another bit of Photoshop gold

by Warren

Another bit of Photoshop gold from the Something Awful goons, this time detailing new changes in the Star Wars trilogy DVDs.

I’ve decided Uncle George won’t be getting my money this time around. I’ve spent who knows how much on these movies, and I’ll be damned if I go through it one more time. I will however, rent and rip them. 🙂

Saturday, September 11th, 2004

On the third anniversary of

by Warren

On the third anniversary of the debacle that set the whole ball rolling in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s good to know that at least Colin Powell didn’t completely lose his marbles like his colleagues did.

And though the French love their surrendering almost as much as the enjoy a good bout of not bathing, at least they’ve come up with a great manifesto about working as little as possible. 🙂

Thursday, September 9th, 2004

There’s a website set up

by Warren

There’s a website set up called “Project Rebirth” all about the rebuilding at the World Trade Centre site. It’s kind of neat to poke around, even though I know next to nothing about architecture, and what little I know about urban planning comes from reading the first few chapters of “The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” which is a really good, readable book about a subject that can be dull as hell in the wrong hands.

Thursday, September 9th, 2004

Looks like even my new

by Warren

Looks like even my new chosen career isn’t safe from outsourcing.

Not that I’m too worried about people in Bangalore reporting on the goings-on at Osoyoos town council meetings. 🙂

Sunday, September 5th, 2004

Apparently Britain is a nation

by Warren

Apparently Britain is a nation that enjoys the new and exciting sport of extreme weekend drunkeness.

And in the “two idiots with time on their hands” department, Mars and myself have come up with a new reality show called “Extreme Home Invasion.” Every week, a new unsuspecting suburban family has their home trashed by a team of expert vandals, who compete with another team of expert vandals at work across town. One of my favorites is Mars’ idea for a guy known as “The Desecrator”, who will violate anything, up to and including inanimate objects. If the show is a success, we could have crossovers where our show goes into Big Brother and trashes the joint, or ruins the work of one of those home-renovation shows.

Saturday, September 4th, 2004

In case you’ve always wanted

by Warren

In case you’ve always wanted to write a fantasy novel but weren’t sure how, here’s the instructions. 🙂

Friday, September 3rd, 2004

I’m in Vancouver, but it

by Warren

I’m in Vancouver, but it was a bit of a screwaround getting here.

Fellow reporter Jeremy, from the Princeton paper, proposed we share car duties, as his vehicle has been giving him copious jive. I was cool with that, as I hate driving. Everything was cool until we got to Port Moody, when a series of complications made it impossible for him to lead me (the car neophyte) back to the highway. So I gamely tried to get out of Port Moody, shitting bricks the whole way. I ended up at some port terminal, a series of train tracks, and finally on some highway. Somehow, I found myself in Richmond, but finally got near to downtown and to my friend’s place. It was an absolute nightmare, not least because driving in Vancouver terrifies me. Anyway, here I am, and the car ain’t going anywhere until Monday morning.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2004

There are days when the

by Warren

There are days when the isolation and low pay make the small town journalist’s lot an unhappy one. But there are also days like today, where I get to meet interesting folk I would never have access to otherwise. This afternoon I got to interview a young guy who is headed for Afghanistan as part of the Princess Patricia’s Regiment. Then I talked to a bunch of Americans up here on a bus tour to buy cheap prescription drugs. To my complete surprise, most of them are quite anti-Bush, anti-war and excellent cats all around. I also met the reporter for the local CBS affiliate, who came up with the seniors. She got my immediate respect because she carries the tripod, shoots and edits the footage when she gets back to the States, as well as reporting.
But I also talked to a senior who is convinced George Bush is the best thing ever to happen to the States. She insisted the weapons of mass destruction are there, we just haven’t found them yet. I met her right after I met another Yank, who had just called Dubya a jackass and said “people from the States believe anything they see on TV.” So I guess it just goes to show you can’t lump all the Americans into one category, at least not the ones from Washington state.
