Archive for September, 2006

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

Revision3…whole lotta meh?

by Warren

So Revision3, an Internet video production company, had a big re-launch party last night, touting their newly funded venture into creating a IPTV network of shows, and, presumably, a revamped website. I say presumably because even though the new and improved Revision3 is supposedly up and running, it’s the same old content on the site. Besides that..what’s new here? Other than the fact that the Digg founders (who did this before they created their excellent Slashdot killer) are behind it, and that it indicates the Web is moving towards on demand video (duh), I don’t see how this is worthy of the hype afforded it.

Same goes for the ScobleShow. Ex-Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble goes around and interviews a bunch of Silicon Valley types. Ok, great, and I may even watch it…but again, not worth a ton of fanfare. For all the hooplah, he isn’t doing anything a bunch of videobloggers aren’t doing, and with the same (or worse) production values (but with a nice HD camera, no denying that.)

This whole thing has the whiff of the days around it. Granted, these shows probably cost very little to put out, and the infrastructure is there for them, unlike the mid-90’s. And it’s good for people to get ahead of the pack and establish themselves, because eventually this IS the way you’ll get the bulk of your video content. But that doesn’t make these current efforts any less of a letdown.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Radio Free Skaro #6 spotted in the wild

by Warren

Yes, Steven and I managed to juggle our schedules and get RDS Numero Six out the door tonight. Much gushing about the Impossible Planet and Satan pit two-parter, some kvetching about DVD vendors and their lack of Who respect, and formative plans for a live episode in a couple of weeks time, as I will be in Edmonton over the weekend. We might even have to videotape that one, just to be total dorks. Anyway, check out the podcast on the web page or straight from the feed.

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Keith Oberman lays down the smack on Bush, Fox News, and all the Clinton haters in the house

by Warren

In a smackdown that can only be described as poetry, MSNBC anchor Oberman praises Bill Clinton for not putting up with any crap from Fox News and calling them on thei nonsense when asked about his pre-9/11 vigilance in chasing Bin Laden, as well as raking Bush over the coals as an ineffectual, cowardly, outright terrible president leading us all to ruin. And Oberman, it’s important to remember, is a conservative. Read the transcript or watch the video here.

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Beatles and Beach Boys mash-up…not so good

by Warren

CBC writer Stephen Cole takes the DJ behind the “Beachles” mash-up of Sgt. Pepper’s and Pet Sounds to task for, well, kinda screwing up two great albums. He goes on to praise other mash-ups, and it’s a pretty even handed assessment of remixing culture. I’m used to seeing sites praise mash-ups simply because they boldy strike out against antiquated copyright laws (I’m looking at you, Boing Boing), so this article is a refreshing change.

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

The disciples of Karl Rove

by Warren

Great, just what the world needs…more Karl Roves. MSNBC has a profile of some of the junior villains nestled under Rove’s poison-quilled wing.

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

Radio Free Skaro #6 delayed…

by Warren

Sorry, true believers, due to real life getting in the way, RFS #6 will have to wait until around Tuesday. But it will be a good one, as we’ll be discussing the Impossible Planet and the Satan Pit, which are top drawer yarns. Many apologies.

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

Intelligence document says invasion and occupation of Iraq increased worldwide Islamic extremism

by Warren

And in other news, the sky is blue. But it’s interesting that this report is composed from across the board, a classified document involving all the major U.S. intelligence agencies. The report also includes that America is actually less safe now than it was before 9/11. Great.

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

Radio Free Skaro 6 hopefully coming this Sunday

by Warren

Just a quick note to let you all know that Radio Free Skaro is scheduled for production this Sunday, so you crazy fans (you’re out there somewhere, 40 of you, according to the stats) won’t have to wait too much longer for some blathering from myself and Steven.

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

PS3 keynote and Amazon’s download service: TEH SUX0R

by Warren

Sony put on a keynote at the Tokyo Game Show, hosted by madman extraordinaire Ken Kutaragi, and, if the wags at Joystiq are to be believed, it was a complete shambles. People kept themselves entertained by cracking open their Nintendo DSes and slagging the presentation through Pictochat. Heh.

And in related “this internet service/game machine/gizmo sucks” news, Amazon’s Unbox download service was given a good old fashioned trouncing by Fortune.

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Night of Bush Capturing! For great justice!

by Warren

So if you’ve ever wanted to play a first person shooter from the Islamic terrorist point of view, and honestly, who hasn’t, then you’ll be pleased to know the long awaited “Night of Bush Capturing,” a jihadi FPS, has just been released. Ok, so it’s been released on jihadi websites that I wouldn’t have a clue where to find, looks like ass (apparently it’s a mod of some junkpile named “Quest for Saddam“) and probably is about as much fun to play as Barbie Horse Adventure..but that’s a great title. When “Naughty She Goat: Unearth the Knife Martyrdom Operation” hits the store shelves, let me know.
