Archive for February, 2008

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Apple //c unboxed after two decades, geeks swoon

by Warren

2235392314_d5d65f9eb5_m.jpgSome rich fella paid over $2,000 for a mint Apple //c off of eBay, and then proceeded to document the unboxing of said beast. The thing I noticed right away is that Apple has consistently had some amazing package design, even in the old days. Plus, the Apple //c just looks damned cool.

(picture by Flickr user Dansays)

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #68 – Keeping fans at arm’s length since 2006

by Warren

The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a “cinema-exclusive” season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to Youtube. The RFS crew took much delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm’s length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual. (feed, web, direct download)

Friday, February 1st, 2008

OMG new Doctor Who trailer in glorious Camcordovision!

by Warren

The BBC released a trailer for Series 4 of Doctor Who today in England…but only in movie theatres. Presumably this thing will hit the net in a day or two and look much better than this version shot on someone’s camcorder (or even their phone)…but me wantee now! And so do you, so watch it.

Friday, February 1st, 2008

MIcrosoft buying Yahoo is all kinds of crazy

by Warren

Microsoft wants to spend 44 BILLION dollars to buy Yahoo. Is it just me, or does this remind anyone of the AOL-Time Warner disaster? Neither company can compete with Google, so together….they can’t compete with Google? This deal strikes me as phenomenally stupid. By the way, when this story hit Digg, the assembled wisdom of the site’s users cited it as “possibly inaccurate.” That’s right, Diggers, the BBC is questionable, while 9/11 conspiracy sites and Ron Paul advocacy rants are completely above board.
