Monday, June 30th, 2008

Another Mac | LIfe iPhone article….


This one is about the Canadian reaction to the Rogers data rates for the iPhone. And next month, I’ll hopefully have an honest-to-goodness-in-the-paper-magazine article in Mac | Life.

Warren Frey is a journalist, freelance writer, podcaster, video producer, and all-around media consultant currently based in Vancouver, Canada. His written work has appeared in such publications as Metro Vancouver, the Westender, Mac | Life and the Japan Times.

One Response to “ Another Mac | LIfe iPhone article…. ”

Jean-Paul Samson says:

One of the people you quoted, John Biehler, dismissed the data plans as being insufficient: no unlimited data. He has now tried using data on AT&T during a trip down to the U.S. and found his usage for one day amounted to 15MB, consisting of two hours of web surfing, regularly checking his e-mail, a few map lookups, etc, but no video.

So he now concedes that Roger’s data allocations are reasonable. He just dislikes all the other plan limitations (e.g. voice minutes, SMS, etc.) and costs.

Looking around the Internet, I haven’t encountered anyone exceeding 600 or 700MB per month with their data usage on the current iPhone. Mind you, 3G might very well change that.

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