Archive for the ‘writing’ Category

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

New article about Apple rebates up on Mac | Life

by Warren

I have another article up on Mac|Life, this time about the rebate all Canadians who purchased iPods before June 24, 2004 can claim for a $45 credit from Apple. Do you qualify? More importantly, what will you do with your Apple rebate?

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

Blogging like crazy at Northern Voice…

by Warren

…but mostly at Techvibes, so go check out my wordsmithing over there.

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

The Atlantic tears down the paywall

by Warren

Good news everyone! (said like Professor Farnsworth) The Atlantic, one of the best magazines in print, is finally tearing down its paywall. Presumably they did the math and figured they’d get more out of advertising than they would from charging people to read the site, but no matter what the reason for the change, I’m happy to report their excellent articles are now free for the reading.

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Apple rumours start to boil over before Macworld

by Warren

This January I’ll be going to Macworld for the first time ever, and I’ll finally get to see Uncle Steve’s medicine show in person. Macworld is traditionally when the biggest announcement of the year comes from Apple, though how they’ll top last year’s iPhone roll-out, I have no idea. However, that hasn’t stopped mad internet speculation from frothing up in in anticipation of new Apple goodies. The top contender is a sub-notebook, or possibly a tablet, built around the same technology as the iPhone. We’ll see…now that I’m doing a lot of video work, I’m more interested in upgrades to the Mac Pro than anything else.

Also, keep an eye on Techvibes while I’m at Macworld, because I’ll be blogging for them throughout the week.

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Striking writers look to bypass studios with media startups

by Warren

Looks like the striking Hollywood writers are clueing into the fact that they don’t really need the studio system to make media. The LA Times chronicles several writers who are turning to venture capitalists rather than going back to the studio trough cap in hand, as per usual.

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

More stuff in Metro Vancouver today

by Warren

Check out my exciting, engaging and quite frankly awesome articles in today’s Metro.

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

Are reporters doomed?

by Warren

The Guardian certainly thinks it’s a possibility. Citizen journalism, hyper-local reporting and other net-driven trends are making investigative journalists an increasingly rare breed. I’m a little conflicted on this, as I’ve got toes dipped in both the old and new media…..but newspapers, television and radio will have to adapt one way or the other.

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

More blogging goodness at Techvibes

by Warren

Check it out, if you’re so inclined.

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Mobile novels all the rage in Japan

by Cam Cavers

Although it hasn’t been widely reported in Western media, the fact that novels for mobile phones outsold print books in Japan in the past year did briefly hit the news this past summer… the fact that people in Japan regularly read books on their cell phones is a story in itself though.

After Wired (still the usual outlet for tech stories to break into the mainstream) wrote it up early in 2007, there was a similar story a few months later in the Economist, and finally just a month or two ago, The Wall Street Journal did a small piece on it. However, surely the fact that the country showing us where mobile technology is headed shunning print books for e-books deserves a bit more media attention.


Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

new posts at Techvibes

by Warren

Over the last little while I’ve been blogging at Techvibes about the Vancouver technology scene. Sashay over there and take a look at my work if you would.
