Archive for the ‘television’ Category

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

SATC movie backlash begins…

by Warren

….and not a moment too soon. Heather Mallick points out that the ultimate “girlie” movie is less about female liberation than about rampant consumerism and empty, shallow competition to secure a rich husband. I can’t possibly match Mallick’s lovely bile, so check out her article yourself. She also name-checks and quotes professional misanthrope Toby Young‘s post about the SATC movie, which is OK by me. Time Out New York also points to the movie as unleashing a new wave of douchification on unsuspecting NY neighbourhoods, and how the show created the creature known as Julia Allison.

I for one will probably never see the SATC movie, but my sympathies go out to all those dragged to the film by a significant other. That just ain’t fair, and I recommend dragging that significant other to as crappy a revenge flick as possible. One of the Saw movies should do the trick.

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro gets a shout out on “The Lab with Leo”

by Warren

In my brief tenure as a co-host for the (now-ended) Lab with Leo, I was able to pimp my own podcast, Radio Free Skaro, while explaining the dreaded Red Ring of Death on the Xbox 360. Many thanks to the intrepid Third Guy, my RFS co-host, for tracking down this clip.

Sunday, April 27th, 2008

Clay Shirky on gin, television and the culture of participation

by Warren

Internet smart guy Clay Shirky recently gave a lecture about how big changes are masked by a calming influence until societies are ready to adapt. He points to gin as the dampening effect of the Industrial Revolution, with most Britain drunk and surly until they stopped seeing urbanism as a threat and started seeing it as an asset. Same with television, which narcotized a public faced with one-way communication and nuclear deterrence. Now we’re in a two-way age, with blogs and Wikipedia and Youtube, and we’re growing into a world where participation will be the norm, not the exception. Neat stuff.

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro # 78 – No News from Pompeii

by Warren

In this gripping episode of Radio Free Skaro, the Three Who Rule discuss The Fires of Pompeii, the latest adventure for the Doctor and his erstwhile assistant Donna Noble….and not much else, really. It was a rather slow week for news, though much jocular speculation on the contents of the rest of the season did manage to fill some of the dead, dead air. Next week, fear the Ood!

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Slight delay for Radio Free Skaro #75

by Warren

Because of scheduling, a weekend trip for Warren, and various other bits of business, we were unable to record Radio Free Skaro #75 this Sunday. But rest assured, faithful listeners, we’ll try to get a show out early this week!

Meantime, here’s a Series 4 trailer straight from the BBC to whet your appetites…

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Tom Baker at Invasion 2008

by Warren

Radio Free Skaro‘s very own “Third Guy” checked out Invasion 2008 over the weekend, and risked life, limb and lightsaber to surreptitiously record video of Tom Baker expounding on life, love and Doctor Who. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

There’s magenta everywhere!

by Warren

magentafixed.jpgToday on the Lab with Leo I did a segment about refilling ink cartridges. Throughout the course of the day magenta ink spread from my workstation to pretty much everyone and everything in the station. My hand took the brunt of the inky assault, as you can see here….

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro #71 – now airing on BBC 3 last week

by Warren

Narrowly avoiding the technical snafus of last week, the RFS crew rose to the occasion and produced an hour of witty banter, insults and of course the eagerly awaited pub rumours that were so cruelly stolen from our audience last week by the vagaries of Skype. Besides covering the latest Torchwood (which aired last week on BBC 2 and this week on BBC 3 and two years previous on stone tablets and oh I give up already…) we talked about the latest news, along with the usual digressions and nonsense we’ve become so very famous for. 

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

How Iron Chef America gets made

by Warren

Not surprisingly, it’s all smoke and mirrors. And really, though the show isn’t terrible, nothing will ever come close to the glorious Japanese insanity of the original series.

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Radio Free Skaro # 70 – Curse of the Kernel Panic

by Warren

This week’s podcast is much shorter than usual, due both to a stunning dearth of news to hash over and a boatload of technical problems yonder England way. Still, the RFS crew made valiant effort to spin gold out of lead, though we quite possibly ended up with zinc. (feed, web, direct download)
